Eastpoint Open  LD10 2019

Race Centre & Office

Ruunaan Matkailu
Siikakoskentie 47, Pankakoski,
Jarkko Peltola, puh: 0400 695955

  • The race is a ten dogs LD class race, with three stages: 105 km + 80 km + 80 km
  • There's a mandatory break for 12 hours, wich is divided in two periods; 12 hours altogether

    FRIDAY 8th February 2019

8:00 Race Office Opens
8:00 -10:00 Breakfast
9:00 Mushers' meeting
10:00 Equipment & dogs check
11:01 Starting times in one minute intervals

The race begins woth a 125 km stage: Ruunaa-JongunjokiRuunaa

16:00 First teams arriving the checkpoint
22:00 First teams leaving the checkpoint

The race continues on stage 2 - 80 km: Ruunaa-Hatunkylä-Ruunaa

SATURDAY 9th February 2019

4:00 First teams arriving checkpoint #2
10:00 First teams leaving the checkpoint #2

The race continues on stage 3 - 80 km: Ruunaa-Hatunkylä-Ruunaa

There's a mandatory break for 12 hours during the race.

Race Finishing hours starting at 16:00. There's an award ceremony after all the teams have finished the race.

SUNDAY 10th February 2019

Alaskan malamute weight pulling event in the centre of City of Lieksa

The event begins at 12:00 - weighting the dogs